Due to COVID-19, Telehealth visits are being offered for inital visit, if this is prefered over an in-person visit.

Your first visit will be approximately 60 minutes in length. Please fill out the intake form in advance- this can be done online or it can be downloaded.  If you are able, please bring in any medication/supplements you are taking, including the dosing as well as any recent lab work/medical reports you have. During your visit, we will discuss your health concerns, goals and general health history in depth. A focused physical exam will be conducted and recommendations will be given based on your specific needs. 



Due to COVID-19, Telehealth visits are being offered for regular return visits, if this is prefered over an in-person visit. Bowen, Acupuncture and B vitamin injection visits are all conducted in person.

Regular follow-up visits will be 30-60 minutes in length. The focus of these visits is to monitor your progress and make modifications to your treatment plan as needed.

Acupuncture and Bowen visits will be 45 minutes to 1 hour in length. The flow of these visits include a brief (5-10 min) follow-up, followed by a treatment. 


Please feel free to ask questions. I will do my best to get you an answer.


For our most up-to-date fee schedule, visit the online booking site.


Naturopathic Medicine is covered by most extended health care plans. Check with your plan and take advantage of this opportunity.

What to expect from your vist

Patient Resources

Downloadable forms- pdf format

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